Above top - Western Pygmy Perch; Above bottom - Little Pygmy Perch 

Below - possible spawning habitat and seasonal habitat


Dr Stephen Beatty (Murdoch University).


The Little Pygmy Perch only got a name in 2013! It was almost called the Striped Pygmy Perch due to having stripes on its side. It is arguably Australia's rarest freshwater fish and this research is vital to protecting it and the habitats that it is found in.

Our first step was to describe the species, meaning it needed a Latin name. Hence the name Nannoperca pygmaea which was published in Zootaxa in 2013 (see the link below).

Part of our project is to ensure that it is afforded protection by both State and Federal governments and that a Fish Habitat Protection Area is created for the species.

We first have to learn about its habitat use and biology.


Hay River


Morgan, D.L., Beatty, S.J. & Adams, M. (2013). Nannoperca pygmaea, a new species of pygmy perch (Teleostei: Percichthyidae) from Western Australia. Zootaxa 3637 (4): 401-411.

Morgan, D.L., Beatty, S.J., Klunzinger, M.W., Allen, M.G. & Burnham, Q.E. (2011). A field guide to the freshwater fishes, crayfishes and mussels of south-western Australia. SERCUL, Beckenham, W.A.